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Ahimsa is a way of life - Respect for all living things and avoidance of violence toward others. Simply put, this is my reason for going veggie. There is no “cruelty free” in this world. It is impossible not to cause harm, but there’s great happinesses knowing we can try as much as possible - the food we eat, the words we speak, and our interactions with the planet and animals - Ahimsa is something I work towards everyday. To try to be kinder, more compassionate - this is what I strive for in my cooking, recipes, work, and life.

My Story



I dropped out of high-school when I was just months from graduating so I could go work full time as a cook. I was 17 at the time and “the cooking journey” professionally officially started there, but really it started much earlier. It started with me helping my mom pack tapioca at a small local deli. I must have been maybe 4 or 5 years old when my mom took me to work with her, because she couldn’t afford a babysitter.

Fast forward to the many years I watched Food Network on my couch before and after school. I was mystified by the unique and creative things the cooks and hosts would do with food.. While my mom was drinking, my sister was doing drugs, and my father was out doing god knows what. I was fully absorbed in Food Network as an escape. I loved the stories, the passion, and energy.

The idea to quit school was reasonably shot down by my mom, dad, and everyone in between. It seemed like it sounded so horrible said out-loud: “To be a high-school dropout”.

Well, I think people should chill out on that. I have a GED after all.

At the time, I knew the decision wouldn’t make sense to friends, or family, even myself but it saved me from having to be put on anxiety medication. I just could not go back to school one more day. That decision didn’t really make sense to me at the time, but I can see now that life makes more sense looking backwards than it does looking forwards. I had to channel my fears and anxieties into productive work, and cooking was what I knew best.

I quickly fell into the work atmosphere after leaving school. I met a chef named Rene who mentored me for several years, and then Jesper, owner at Cafe Quackenbush restaurant. I have so much respect for these great men who helped me really acquire my skills as a cook and grow as a human. Through cooking and my curiosity, I have been able to transform my life in ways I would have never expected.

When I made the transition to a plant-based diet, I was disappointed I could no longer continue working in the food industry (at least in my hometown there were not opportunities at the time to do vegan cooking and make a living). So things got really interesting when I moved to Hawaii for 3 years and focused on farming. I wanted to know where food came from and how to grow it. I also found meditation and yoga. I worked with a friend who had a vegan catering company and we would prepare the most unique raw vegan offerings at farmers markets. Through meditation and connection with the “Aina,” or land, I experienced relief from my anxieties which were rooted in deep personal turmoil. This created my connection with God and developing that relationship enabled me to find shelter from my anxiety and learn proper coping techniques.

The purpose of my business is to reflect my experiences and life into the food, or anything, I create. It’s about story, connection, creativity, and alchemy. My life has been so interesting and beautiful. I’ve had to carve out my own path, because it was clear early on that my mind just doesn’t work like everyone else’s, and that is my greatest asset. I would say to anyone who wants to make a change that it’s totally possible, but not easy, and there’s no guarantee of a safety net. However, I have only seen things work out through risk taking, especially when it’s coming from a place of sincerity. Take the risks. Go vegan if you are called to, learn cooking, be creative, curious, and watch your life change.

What does this mean about what I do?

Firstly, I am an artist. I create with my hands - sometimes this is with food, a camera, writing, people, or all the above. I am passionate to share stories and create however I can these days. Food will always be my passion, but there’s nothing more satisfying than creating something that touches hearts and inspires deep personal inner change.

I am a photographer, film-maker, recipe developer, food blogger, chef, and story-teller. Please check out the site and enjoy! Take a look at some of the amazing recipes I have created over the years, as I hope you can learn here and grow as well.